Slaton Nash

About Us

Empowering Organizations and People

With Intentional Partnerships we know that we can transform an entire organization, this begins with primal precision surrounding our delivery of best in class people and products.


30 Years Of Experience

30+ combined years in staffing and product sales.

Founder’s Story

Slaton Nash is founded in many profound life experiences. Since childhood, I was fortunate enough to gain exposure to the world of physician staffing by my father. Like small business owners in the making, he would bring my brother and I to client outings and allow us to experience him making friends with both clients and employees. And, I vividly remember walking the hallway of my father’s office and simply observing everyone with a child-like curiosity. Little did I realize that I too was creating a foundation of purpose for my life: the art of relationship building is central to my father’s business, and the essence of any successful business is rooted in the connections it forges.

My background includes selling software to businesses, providing ATM parts and services to banking institutions and retail establishments, and operating in various staffing fields. Regardless of the industry, these experiences have cultivated an appreciation for adaptability, resiliency, and embracing new challenges.

At the onset of establishing my own business, I envisioned an entity that would not only produce best-in-class professional talent to organizations but also incorporate complementary products and services. This streamlined approach would empower organizations to operate with cost-effective efficiencies and scale to their true potential. Equally important, I wanted to create a culture where our collective DNA was predicated on “doing right” by clients and employees alike.

The company is named after my twin boys and serves as a constant reminder that everything we do in life has an impact on the next generation. Additionally, the decisions we make and the actions we take impact others. My unwavering commitment to my business, clients, and family is simple: to create a legacy that emphasizes positive change at its core.