Slaton Nash


of TransformatioN

We know that we can transform an entire organization, and this begins with primal precision surrounding our delivery of best-in-class people and products

Make the Investment

Your people are your greatest asset.
Let us create value around your hiring practices and product buying.

On Demand Partnership

Your teams on the front lines are crucial to the delivery of revenue. We support you in building these teams and maintaining a pipeline of talent when you need it.

Executive Talent

Slaton Nash is your solution to locating world-class talent to complement your growth objectives.

Business Solutions

We are brand agnostic and and budget friendly. Go single source and eliminate any headaches.

Career Mentorship and Coaching

As a part of working with us we will spend time discussing your career, goals, and work with you on areas of opportunity.

Why Choose Us

We are a single source for talented individuals and the technology products they use on a daily basis.

Network and Relationship Staffing Approach

We deliver candidates that come from a well developed network of existing relationships. This drives talent that you will not find using job boards.

Consultative Approach

We want to evaluate your product needs, budget, and productivity goals in order to make recommendations around your technology products. We are brand agnostic which free us to make the right recommendation based on your needs not ours.

30 Years Of Experience

30+ combined years in staffing and product sales.

Quality Over Quantity

If the quality isn’t there we would rather put no one in front of our clients.

Transformation Starts With